The Light From Beyond the Inkblot: Quantum Poetry Vol. III is available in paperback from Amazon.
The Light from Beyond the Inkblot: Quantum Poetry Vol. III weaves together archetypes, ecosystems, and the vertical axis of transformation into a unified vision, reflecting the fractal patterns of existence:
- The inkblot symbolizes emergence and the hidden wholeness within the shadow
- The fractal patterns of nature mirror the archetypal dance of the psyche
- The poet stands as a keystone species—a bridge between inner and outer worlds, articulating life’s regenerative patterns
In this way, this volume offers both revelation and invitation—to engage with the mystery of being, to honour the interconnectedness of life, and to participate in the eternal journey toward wholeness.
The inkblot becomes a portal to wholeness, symbolising a gateway to emergence through which engagement with shadow and uncertainty reveals a deeper fractal order. Ecosophically, this reflects nature’s capacity to hold mystery and beauty. Integrally, it signifies the vertical journey of consciousness—from fragmentation to wholeness.
The Dance of Archetypes and Ecosystems
The four parts of the long poem Wyrd Awakening reveal the Earth as a living mythopoetic matrix. Rivers, forests, mountains are not just passive backdrops but sacred participants in the unfolding of consciousness.
The poetic voice dissolves boundaries between self and world, resonating with the Gaian aesthetic of interconnected life. The exploration of the patterns of nature aligns them with Benoît Mandelbrot’s fractals and Christopher Alexander’s living structure, where beauty arises from wholeness and relational harmony.
The ecosophical aesthetic becomes both cosmic and personal: the poet becomes a keystone species, a mediator between inner and outer worlds, contributing to the life-giving flow of the ecosystem.
“The archetypes of the community of land
whether above or below sea.
The swan song of the mayfly
in the winged cry of the oyster catcher.
The strands of seaweed
in the arms of Architeuthis…
woven together into patterns and flows.”
This passage expresses the relational unity of all life, where archetypes resonate across ecosystems. Ecosophically, it embodies the interconnected patterns of Earth’s systems. Integrally, it reflects unity-in-diversity—the flow of being through nested levels of existence.
Fractals, Wholeness, and Self
“The edge is always infolded
back into its centre
and the centre
is the edge of the field.”
The reflection of the fractal nature of existence, evokes the infinite patterns found in nature. It articulates the nondual relationship between self and cosmos—where the individual is both a part and a reflection of the whole.
The Vertical Axis of Being
“I fell
through the membrane
at the edge of psyche
and matter
and cleft open
the wound there
of my selfhood
which bleeds
with the time
I am made of.”
Wyrd Awakening articulates the this descent into the wound of selfhood mirrors the nigredo of alchemical transformation—beyond necessary, it is essential for regeneration. From an ecosophical perspective, it reflects the life-death-life cycle embedded in nature. Integrally, it speaks to the vertical axis of development, where the depths of being give rise to new consciousness.
Integration of the Inner and Outer Worlds
“I have caught sight
of my gods
on yonder side
of this deep structure
looking back at me.”
This image reveals the reciprocal relationship between self and cosmos. Ecosophically, it underscores the sacredness of interconnectedness. In Wilber’s integral terms, it points to the synthesis of inner and outer worlds—where the human gaze is met by the divine.
Poetry as Regenerative Act
“I am the Quantum Poet
on my inner journey
where every syllable’s a beat
and the beat’s in my feet…
written into life
by the poetry of wholeness
which sings me into being
from the deepest place.”
This passage from The Sacred Oath of the Quantum Poet declares the poet’s cosmic role: to mediate the rhythms of life and bring it to consciousness through articulating its emergent wholeness. It captures the essence of ecosophical aesthetics—poetry as a regenerative act—and Wilber’s integral vision of a transcendent yet immanent cosmos.
On Eternal Patterns and Ancestorhood
“Like Walt Whitman’s blade of grass
I am traced into existence
by the pilgrimage of stars…
this journeywork of moonlight
transforms me and my joy
and my sorrow
into a tiny seed
of another tomorrow.”
In these lines taken from The Sacred Oath of the Quantum Poet, the poetic I embodies cosmic and ecological continuity. Ecosophically, the lines celebrate humanity’s place within the living web of life. From an integral lens, they express the transcendent unfolding of being—where individuality contributes to the greater evolution of life.
In The Light From Beyond the Inkblot: Quantum Poetry Vol. III, archetypal consciousness meets and integrates with ecological consciousness through the inkblot which acts as a portal and reveals the fractal beauty of reality as though through a prism.
The Light From Beyond the Inkblot: Quantum Poetry Vol. III is available in paperback from Amazon.